Rational Use of Cognitive Resources: Levels of Analysis Between the Computational and the Algorithmic, Griffiths, Lieder, Goodman (2015).

One and Done :One concern about Bayesian models is that inference takes too long. But what if you actually didn’t need to run MCMC that long? @vul2014one

One and Done? Optimal Decisions From Very Few Samples, Vul, Goodman, Griffiths, Tenenbaum (2014). Cognitive Science.

Remembrance of inferences past: Amortization in human hypothesis generation. Dasgupta, Schulz, Goodman & Gershman. (2018). Cognition.

The anchoring bias reflects rational use of cognitive resources. Lieder, F., Griffiths, T. L., Huys, Q. J. M., & Goodman, N. D. (2018). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Empirical evidence for resource-rational anchoring and adjustment. Lieder, F., Griffiths, T. L., Huys, Q. J. M., & Goodman, N. D. (2018). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Perceptual instability as MCMC Could sampling explain perceptual instability? @gershman2009perceptual

Perceptual Multistability as Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inference. Gershman, Vul, Tenenbaum (2009).

Theory Acquisition as Stochastic Search. Ullman, Goodman, and Tenenbaum (2010).

Exemplar models as a mechanism for performing Bayesian inference. Shi, Griffiths, Feldman, Sanborn (2010).

Evolutionary algorithms, Bayesian inference, and the mind


Reading questions:

a) In what way is evolutionary dynamics like Bayesian inference?

b) A number of different inference algorithms are discussed. What are the consequences of one of them being used for a particular process (like working memory) as opposed to another one?